How Poor Posture Can Contribute to Neck and Back Pain

woman with poor sitting posture

Posture plays a vital role in maintaining the overall health of the body. It is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture ensures that our bones and joints are aligned correctly, reducing the risk of strain and injury in the muscles and ligaments. On the other hand, poor posture can lead to chronic neck and back pain, which can affect our daily activities and overall quality of life. In this article, we will discuss how posture affects neck and back pain and what steps can be taken to improve it.

The Relationship between Posture and Neck Pain

The neck or cervical region of the spine is particularly susceptible to poor posture as it supports the head’s weight. When the neck is in a forward head posture, it causes the neck and upper back muscles to work harder to support the head’s weight. This increased workload can lead to muscle fatigue, tension and pain. Additionally, poor posture can lead to compression of the nerves and blood vessels in the neck, leading to numbness and tingling sensations in the arms and hands.

The Relationship between Posture and Back Pain

Similarly, poor posture can also lead to chronic back pain. When the spine is not in proper alignment, it can cause the muscles and ligaments to work harder to support the body’s weight, leading to muscle strain and fatigue. Poor posture can also cause the discs in the spine to compress unevenly, leading to herniated discs, sciatica, and other spinal conditions. Additionally, poor posture can restrict the lungs’ ability to expand fully, leading to shallow breathing and decreased oxygen intake, which can harm overall health.

Tips for Improving Posture and Reducing Neck and Back Pain

The good news is that improving posture can help reduce neck and back pain. Here are some tips for improving posture:

1. Be Aware of Your Posture: The first step to improving posture is to be aware of it. Pay attention to your body’s positioning throughout the day, especially when sitting or standing for extended periods.

2. Sit Correctly: When sitting, make sure your feet are flat on the ground and your back is straight, with your shoulders relaxed. Use a chair with good back support that allows you to sit with your feet flat on the ground.

3. Stand Correctly: Make sure your weight is evenly distributed on both feet. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your head held high. Avoid locking your knees.

4. Stretch Regularly: Regular stretching can help improve flexibility and loosen tight muscles. Focus on stretching the neck, shoulders, and back muscles, particularly susceptible to poor posture.

5. Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise can help improve posture by strengthening the core muscles that support the spine. Focus on exercises that strengthen the back, abdominal, and leg muscles.


Poor posture can significantly impact neck and back pain, leading to chronic pain and discomfort. However, by being aware of your posture and taking steps to improve it, you can reduce your risk of developing neck and back pain. Incorporating regular stretching and exercise into your daily routine can also help improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles that support the spine. Making small changes to your posture can improve your overall health and quality of life.

Your Pickering Chiropractors can help you get rid of that back and neck pain in no time. We are a chiropractor in West Hill that can give you the proper treatment and care. Get in touch with us to learn how.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Treating Back Pain

woman with back pain

Back pain is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits, and unfortunately, it’s often difficult to treat. Luckily, chiropractors can help relieve your backache and improve your quality of life. Here’s why you should consider seeing a chiropractor for back pain.

1. Chiropractors Specialize in Pain Relief

Chiropractors are specialized experts in the treatment and prevention of back pain. They use various techniques to ease discomfort, such as manipulating the spine and joints, stretching, and giving a massage. Applying precise pressure to areas of your body that are causing pain can help loosen up joints and reduce inflammation.

2. Chiropractors Offer Long-Term Solutions

Chiropractic care not only helps relieve pain in the short term but also offers long-term solutions. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help reduce muscle and joint tension, improve posture, increase range of motion, and reduce the risk of further injury.

3. Chiropractic Care Is Safe and Effective

Chiropractic care is generally considered a safe and effective treatment for back pain and rarely has any side effects. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor before seeing a chiropractor and ensure that your chosen practitioner is accredited and experienced.

4. Chiropractors Can Address the Root of the Problem

Chiropractors are trained to examine your body’s functions rather than treat the pain symptom. By evaluating your posture, gait, range of motion, and lifestyle habits, they can gain a deeper understanding of the cause of the pain and create an individualized treatment plan to address the root of the problem.

5. Chiropractors Can Help You Recover After an Injury

If you’ve recently suffered from an injury, such as a strained muscle or a slipped disk, seeing a chiropractor can help you to recover quickly. They’ll be able to offer advice about the best strategies for preventing and managing the pain and can provide manual treatments, such as massage or manipulation, to help you heal.

6. Chiropractors Are Complementary to Other Treatments

Chiropractic care can be used with other treatments, such as physical therapy or medication. This means you can talk to your doctor or chiropractor to create a plan that works best for you.

What to Expect from a Chiropractic Adjustment

When you visit a chiropractor for an adjustment, you can expect your chiropractor to take a thorough medical history and ask detailed questions about your current back pain. This will allow them to develop a tailored treatment plan based on your needs. 

The chiropractic adjustment usually involves applying a gentle, targeted force to specific points and joints on your body to realign your spine and improve joint movement. Typically, you may hear popping and cracking noises during the adjustment, which can be caused by small gas bubbles being released in the joint fluid. 

Most people find chiropractic adjustments comfortable and often provide immediate relief, although some may experience minor soreness for a day or two afterward. Ultimately, your chiropractor aims to help you find natural and lasting relief from your pain.


Chiropractors are an excellent choice for relieving back pain in the short and long term. Because they specialize in pain relief and address the root of the problem, they can provide effective, safe, and long-lasting relief. If you’re suffering from back pain, talk to your doctor about the benefits of seeing a chiropractor to get your life back on track.

Looking for back and neck pain treatment in Whitby? Look no further than Your Pickering Chiropractors. We are experts in providing chiropractic care and can help you get relief quickly and effectively. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Ways Chiropractic Treatment Help People with Scoliosis

treating scoliosis with chiropractic care

Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to curve sideways, leading to a variety of problems such as pain, discomfort, and even difficulty walking. While both traditional medical treatments and alternative therapies can be used to help manage and relieve symptoms associated with scoliosis, chiropractic adjustments are beneficial and can provide long-term relief and improvement.

What Do Chiropractors Do?

Chiropractors are healthcare professionals who specialize in treating the spine and musculoskeletal system. They use various techniques and therapies to help improve quality of life and relieve pain associated with various conditions, including scoliosis. Some of the methods used by chiropractors to treat scoliosis include:

  • Manual spinal manipulation
  • Exercise therapy
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Electric stimulation
  • Spinal mobilization
  • Ultrasound
  • Laser therapy

Ways Chiropractic Adjustments Help People with Scoliosis 

Scoliosis is a medical condition that affects the spine and is characterized by an abnormal curvature. People with scoliosis often suffer from pain, muscle weakness, and tightness. 

While there is no “cure” for scoliosis, treatment options are available to help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. One of the most effective treatments is chiropractic adjustments. 

Here are five ways chiropractic adjustments can help treat and manage scoliosis.

1. Reduce Pain and Discomfort 

The most common symptom of scoliosis is pain, ranging from mild to severe. Pain can be caused by muscle tension, muscle weakness, and joint misalignment. Chiropractic adjustments to the spine can help to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with scoliosis. These adjustments correct joint misalignments, allowing the muscles and ligaments to relax and relieve pain.

2. Improve Posture 

Scoliosis can cause poor posture due to the unnatural curvature of the spine. Poor posture can lead to back pain, neck pain, and headaches. When the spine is in correct alignment, the entire body is balanced. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help to correct misalignments and improve posture by supporting the spine and promoting proper body mechanics.

3. Increase Range of Motion 

Scoliosis can limit mobility, as the spine can no longer move as it should. Chiropractic adjustments help to loosen tight muscles and joints, which allows for an increased range of motion. This improved range of motion helps to reduce stiffness, improve posture, and reduce pain.

4. Improve Breath and Lung Function 

Scoliosis can cause the ribs to shift, which contracts the chest muscles and restricts lung function. Chiropractic adjustments can help to realign the spine and ribs, which in turn can help improve breath and lung function.

5. Boost Overall Health 

Chiropractic adjustments can help to reduce pain, improve posture, and increase mobility. Through regular chiropractic care, it can help improve overall health and well-being. The treatments help to reduce stress and relax the body, allowing for better sleep and improved energy, balance, and mood.


Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective treatment option for scoliosis, as they can help reduce pain, improve balance and posture, and slow the condition’s progression. They can also help prevent the development of compensatory postures, leading to further curvature of the spine. However, speaking to a doctor or chiropractor before attempting any treatment is essential, as scoliosis can worsen with time.

Looking for a trustworthy chiropractor in West Hill? Your Pickering Chiropractors is here for you. We offer dependable chiropractic care to provide the desired effects on your body. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

What does a chiropractor know about Diabetes?

What does a chiropractor know about diabetes?

During a new patient history after dealing with the main complaint that brought the patient to the office, I will ask some general health questions assessing for things like diabetes.
What does a chiropractor know about diabetes, aren’t they just for backs? A chiropractor’s scope of practice is limited to neuromusculoskeletal conditions, or conditions related to nerves, muscles and bones, however as primary contact health care providers we just as importantly need to know about conditions that we don’t manage.

Getting back to our question, what does a chiropractor know about diabetes? While diabetes is an increasingly common problem, especially Type 2 diabetes that has its onset in middle age, it is often an undiagnosed condition. Research suggests that 3-5% of the adult population are undiagnosed diabetics or prediabetics.

Thus as a chiropractor we need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of diabetes so patients can get the care and education they need. Some of these signs and symptoms relate to the neuromusculoskeletal system, such as muscle cramps, numbness and tingling in the hands or feet, weakness, stiff and painful joints, contractures of the hands, back and neck pain. I will assess the vibration sense of the feet as this sense is often lost early in diabetes, leading to problems with balance, falls and possibly injuries to the feet and toes which can heal poorly.

Secondly, as chiropractors we can help treat some of the neuromusculoskeletal conditions associated with the condition. Encouraging activity and exercise is an early treatment for diabetes, this can be hard to do if it hurts to move.

  • Conditions that are commonly associated with diabetes that can be helped by chiropractic care are:
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Stiff Hands Syndrome
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder
  • Tenosynovitis
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Joint pain
  • Dupuytren’s contracture

So hopefully that helps to answer the question, what does a chiropractor know about diabetes?

So if you have diabetes or know someone with diabetes, add me to your healthcare team
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Careers that benefit from regular chiropractic care, PART 4: Professional drivers

Regular chiropractic care and professional drivers

Careers that benefit from regular chiropractic care part 4: Professional drivers
In my last blog in this series I talked about our emergency personnel benefitting from regular chiropractic care.
In this issue I will discuss another group of workers who benefit from regular chiropractic care.

This group are our professional drivers, transit employees be they bus drivers, train engineers and subway and streetcar operators, truck drivers, taxi drivers and couriers. These drivers spend their working day behind the wheel of large vehicles responsible for the safety of many passengers and expensive cargo.
These drivers have a number of risk factors for developing back and neck pain in common; constant vibration from the road or rail, prolonged postural stresses leading to postural muscle fatigue, jarring forces from the road or rails and the constant stresses of driving.

Let’s take truck drivers for example, long haul truck drivers can often be driving for 14 hours at a stretch. While they are often using a specialized seat that aims to limit road forces to them, they are only so effective, the truck’s suspension is primarily there to support the load in the trailer, not the driver. As such much of the vibration is transmitted to the driver. The constant vibration of driving has been identified as a risk factor for back pain and the development of osteoarthritis in the spine.
The next group of drivers then should not be a surprise then, bus drivers more so public transit than luxury coach drivers I’m thinking of here, although coach drivers will still be at risk. Public mass transit buses are not built for comfort, most of us who have taken a public bus can attest to the rough ride. The drivers don’t fare much better, they often to have an air suspended seat, but these are not one size fits all and since the bus is operated by many drivers over a week they often will end up with back pain due to the poor designs and often age of the equipment.

Train operators be they subway operators don’t have specialized seats, however they don’t get as many jarring surfaces, subway operators will however have vibration and the jerky motion of the train can often produce back and neck pain. Commuter train operators have a specialized seat however they often are at risk of lateral sway of the vehicle causing a “side-lash” or side whiplash do to the often violent lateral movement of the train.

I often see these drivers regularly as a preventative measure and often as the result of a work-place injury to the neck or back. Regular chiropractic care can limit the negative effects of constant stress, muscle tightness, vibratory and jarring impacts to the spinal joints due to prolonged periods of sitting and muscular fatigue.
If you know of a professional driver who could benefit from my care please don’t hesitate to have them contact me.
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Why does my chiropractor care about my bladder?

Why does my chiropractor care about my bladder?

“Why does my chiropractor care about my bladder? ” Recently while taking a history from a new patient, which included a review of various body functions, including bowel and bladder movements, the patient wondered aloud, “ I’m here for my back why do you care about my bowel and bladder movements”?

On the surface it may seem like an odd question from one who’s known for dealing with back, neck and other musculoskeletal conditions, but there’s a very good explanation , I swear.

Most lower back pain is what’s termed Non-specific Mechanical back pain. This type of back pain is very common and most of us will experience it at some point throughout our lifetime. This type of back pain is typically an injury to any one or more of lower back muscles, joints or ligaments. Here there is no involvement of the spinal discs or nerve involvement.

In some cases as I’ve described in previous blogs, the injury is to one of the spinal discs, or intervertebral discs. Infrequently one of these disc injuries causes compression to nerves that control sphincter muscles (muscles that open/close) of the bladder and bowel. This complication called “ Cauda Equina Syndrome” occurs in only 1-3% of disc injuries, mostly to men in their 40s or 50s who have had a history of chronic low back pain or who were born with a narrow spinal canal.

Thus this syndrome if present with lower back pain may produce symptoms related to bowel and bladder function and numbness in the saddle area ( the area of your body that would touch a saddle if you were riding a horse). Bladder symptoms could be things like, inability to stop or start a urine stream, the feeling of urgency for urination or incomplete bladder emptying. Bowel symptoms might include constipation, loss of bowel control or inability to feel when you need to move the bowel or that you have already moved your bowel.

This syndrome is a medical emergency and requires immediate surgery and even if a surgical intervention is performed some of the damage to the nerves may be permanent.

So there you have it, a pretty good reason for a chiropractor to be concerned about your bowel and bladder habits.
For more educational blogs not necessarily about bowel function go to https://yourpickeringchiropractors.caWhy does my chiropractor care about my bladder?

Is it my back or is it my hip?

Is it my back or is it my hip?

This is a common question I’m asked and the answer sometimes isn’t so easy, so I’ll try to explain with a couple of simple clinical scenarios.
The first scenario, involves a person I’ll call “Bill”, Bill is a 35 year old man who was doing some landscaping around his house, lifting and moving flagstone, digging, planting etc. He recalls bending and lifting a rock and then feeling some pain in his “hip” and buttock area and some pain in his groin. He is uncomfortable bending, standing from sitting and rolling over in bed. He finds some relief when he’s up moving around and walking feels better. Is it my back or is it my hip?

In this case Bill’s problem is his sacroiliac joint, or the joint between his sacrum or tailbone and his illium or the bones your belt sits on (unless you are a teenaged boy, then the belt may really sit on the hip) , this is not really your hip, but this is commonly referred to as one’s hip. A problem in this area will often present as Bill did with one sided lower back, buttock and groin pain, with walking tending to help.

Scenario two, has “ Betty” an energetic 77 year old lady who enjoys walking, golfing and gardening. Betty reports that over the past couple of years she has been getting more sore over her right hip, buttock and groin. The pain can be aggravated by her regular walks, getting out of bed in the morning or if she’s been still for a long period. Is it my back or is it my hip?

In Betty’s case the problem is in her true hip joint (ball and socket joint) or where her femur, the leg bone (the ball) inserts into the pelvis ( the socket), here the cartilage components of either the ball or the socket are wearing out and with weight on the right leg the symptoms become worse, inflammatory effects are worse when initiating movement from rest.

So in short is it my back or my hip?
Backs like to walk and hips don’t

Both conditions will respond well to chiropractic care
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Is it my back or is it my hip?

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominic at

Back to school means buying backpacks

Back to school means buying backpacks

We’re getting close to what some parents will refer to as, “ the most wonderful time of the year”, when our kids return to school. Back to school invariably also means back to school shopping, and often at the top of the list is a new backpack.

Back to school means buying backpacks

For some this will be their first back pack and for others a replacement for the holey, tattered mess that barely survived the year.

Here are some tips for buying, packing and wearing a backpack.

What to buy:   Several things to consider here, size, fit and features.

If your child is a kindergartner, the back pack should be roughly the same size as their back, so a considerably smaller backpack than the one your teen needs. Look for padded shoulder straps that can be adjusted to fit snug to their back, and internal pockets. Lighter materials are better such as nylon or canvas.

Older students, can have a larger bag, look for reinforced bottoms, padded backs, internal laptop sleeves, straps at the waist and chest will help to lessen the load on the back.

How to pack the bag:

This is important because the recommendation for those children under 10 years is that they carry no more than 10% of their body mass, that includes the weight of the bag itself! Older kids can have up to 15% of their body weight in the backpack, think about that for a minute, a 200 pound teenage boy should still only carry 30 pounds in their backpack! Check your child’s bag many high schoolers will have twice that, not good for a growing spine. A lot of this weight can be reduced by limiting a lot of junk from the bag, also bringing home and to class only what you need. Sometimes provisions can be made for students to have 2 sets of textbooks one for school and one for home if they’re having pain associated with carrying heavy textbooks back and forth from school.

Pack the bag with the heaviest items at the back closest to the body and use the pockets to distribute the load.

Wearing the bag:

Wear the bag with both straps, even though it’s cool not to, adjust the straps so they’re snug keeping the bag close to the body, not hanging way back and low like a teen boy’s pants.

As always if your child experiences any back pain, give me a call and we can assess the problem for any concerns.

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Careers that benefit from regular chiropractic care: Part 2

Careers that  benefit from regular chiropractic care: Part 2

In my first blog in this series I described how after painting my house for several weeks I was feeling quite sore in the upper back, neck and shoulders and those tradespeople who perform a lot of overhead tasks are at risk for neck, upper back and shoulder pain. So what other careers benefit from regular chiropractic care?

The next group of occupations that can benefit from regular chiropractic care are other health care professionals. In my practice I see a good number of nurses, dentists, dental hygienists, massage therapists and medical doctors of all specialities.

Why would these individuals, already in the healthcare world require chiropractic care?

Let us take nurses for example; nurses are on their feet for their whole shift, standing on very hard surfaces often resulting in heel pain. They are often required to lift, move, restrain patients much larger than themselves; this can result in back, neck and shoulder pain.

Dentists and dental hygienists work for long periods of time in one hunched forward posture with their arms extended, this posture puts serious pressure on the joints of the upper and lower back and rib cage.

In my practice I see a number of medical doctors who just like anyone else can get back pain either from their profession, again long hours on their feet, operating in less than ideal ergonomic positions.

Massage therapists are prone to posture related back pain and repetitive strain injuries of the upper limbs.

Lastly are chiropractors themselves, this is a hands on physical job and often we may work on patients much larger than ourselves and as although we try to manage our posture we too can be in prolonged positions that are less than ideal.

All these professions can benefit from chiropractic care to reduce the pain and dysfunction associated with acute injury and regular ongoing care can help keep them performing at their best ensuring a long and healthy career.

So if you know of or are a healthcare professional who is not at their best, or who would like to continue to perform at their best tell them to give me a call, drop me a line, Facebook message or tweet me.

For other careers that benefit from regular chiropractic care, stay tuned.

Dr. K. Finn

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Push the snow don’t lift it

Its winter time again and you know what that means, snow and snow shovelling. If you think about it a clearing your driveway of a heavy snowfall is a strenuous workout, how many of you would warm up before a strenuous workout? Most I’d bet,  but how many of us would think to warm up before we shovel the snow? Not many. So treat the snow shovelling like your workout, that way you can skip the gym that day. Do a simple warm up, jumping jacks, short walk followed by some stretching before you start.

Pace yourself, don’t wait for the snow to stop before you shovel, get out several times rather than trying to do it all at once.

Push the snow don’t lift it.

Bend  your knees and use the strong arm, leg and butt muscles instead of the lower back muscles, keep the curve in your lower back.

Dress in layers, rest when you need to.

Or hire a teenager to do it for you and watch from the comfort of the indoors.